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Programs and Services

At Orpe Human Rights Advocates, we are committed to caring for people of all backgrounds who need a hand up to get on their feet. We do so through programs that provide housing and assistance to veterans, mothers struggling with addiction, individuals returning from prison and families in need. We are more than a nonprofit. We are a ministry of service dedicated to helping those in need reach their full potential. 

Are you looking for a way to support the services we provide? Make a donation or volunteer to support the mission of Orpe Human Rights Advocates.

Landing Hand Wherever We are Needed! And Taking Action in Whatever comes at our Disposition.

Our mission goes wherever human dignity is compromised, and we take action in whatever comes to hand. these words define the DNA of the Orpe Human Rights Advocates. Here, where we can find the essence of our legacy of responding to the needs of homeless men and families, veterans, men returning from prison, people with disabilities, the elderly, and those searching for affordable housing. Our organization is strengthened by the commitment of hundreds of employees, volunteers, and partners working toward real change.


We work hard to give back to those who have given so much. Veterans returning from service face unique challenges during their transition to civilian life. By surrounding veterans with an environment that provides them with a solid foundation, we help them become productive members of our community. We are building the bridge from their past service in the military to a successful civilian life. We also secure housing and assist veterans in finding long-term employment and job training.


We empathize with individuals struggling with mental health and substance use disorders, as well as their families. With emergency addiction treatment services, programs geared towards prevention, and ongoing care for survivors, it is possible for men, women, teens, and children to find the support they need.


We believe in finding the right homes for those who need it most. We work hard to end homelessness by addressing the specific needs of every family and individual we serve. A home is more than four walls and a roof. It is a foundation on which a person builds to reach their full potential.

Take a Tour


We invite you to experience how you can help change lives by taking a program tour. You'll walk-though see first-hand how your support and engagement help individuals and families work toward independent lives.

Community Development

  • Empower low-income families become financially self-sufficient

  • Career development

  • Personal development programs

  • Integrated Behavioral & Health care

  • Dental

  • Social services. 

  • Social Enterprise

Summit International Ministry Center

  • Finding God

  • Prayer Services

  • Predication Services

  • Bible Study

Social Services

Providing support and protection to  victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking,  stalking, neglected children and youth.

OHRA's social workers  are available and help those in crisis and  in needs  of immediate protection or a family requiring long-term assistance,


Social workers work with our clients to identify their unique needs and goals. We then work with community resources to help them find emergency and transitional shelter, food, clothing, or medical and mental health care for themselves and their children.  Our services also include safety planning, crisis intervention, emotional support, and trauma-informed therapy so these survivors can heal and recover.

Orpe Human Rights Advocates Charity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We strive to be faithful stewards of the investment and resources entrusted to us, and seek to be transparent in the way we do business.

Crisis Intervention

  • Crisis Hotline

  • Prayer  Hotline: 

  • Eviction prevention

  • Suicide prevention

  • Domestic Violence

  • Sexual Assault,

  • Human Trafficking

  • Children and Youth

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