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We believe in the Train-the-Trainer approach and includes it in all our training projects

A Train-the-Trainer approach is used to leverage the core team’s knowledge and to broaden the number of employees who are well-versed in the systems, processes, roles, and responsibilities. We believe in Train-the-Trainer because it builds sustainability by increasing the number of employees who know the systems, processes, roles, and responsibilities well enough to teach the material and “own” the solution.

Orpe Human Rights Advocates teaches your staff on how to train

The OHRA Train-the-Trainer approach includes teaching the trainers both “how to train” and teaching them how to deliver the specific end-user materials.  A critical success factor for training is that the Trainers are knowledgeable about and comfortable with the training materials.  All the components of the training materials are reviewed during the Train-the-Trainer session to ensure that the Trainers thoroughly understand the training materials and why each component is important.

To teach the Trainers how to train others, we hold specific sessions with them.  The typical agenda for these training sessions include covering materials so that the trainers learn about:

  • Learning Styles

  • Understanding your Audience

  • Preparing for Training

  • Delivering the Training

  • Training Logistics Checklists (materials that guide the teams to perform all the steps necessary to conduct successful training)


At the completion of the Train-the-Trainer sessions, Trainers practice the tips and techniques learned by delivering the end-user training materials in a practice setting.  During these practice sessions, the detailed speaker notes that are provided in each overview and modular training presentation are reviewed.  These speaker notes guide the trainers on the key messages to be conveyed. 

For additional information on our Train-the-Trainer Method, Contact Us.

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